Grow Money

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Grow Food, Grow Money? "Food For Thought"

"Food." Food is not a choice. We have to have it to survive.

"Money", something we all love and need.  Do you ever have enough?

We have a choice of what types of food we eat but we don't always have a choice of where it comes from.
Either we have to buy it or grow it ourselves. 
If we have no money, then we need to buy money. "That's a strange thought", but isn't that what we do?
We actually buy money to have the things we need. It's called credit! And with credit we pay interest on the money we borrow.

If we don't want to buy money then we need to grow it ourselves. How do we do that? A garden? Investment? Work!
If we don't want to grow a garden ourselves or prepare food ourselves; we have to pay someone else to do it for us.
What a vicious circle this act of survival is! I think what it all comes down to is freedom of choice. What do you think?
We have the right to make the decisions in our own life that we feel would be best for our self and our family.
 Ask yourself a couple questions:
1. How important is your health to you?
2. How important is your families health to you?
Once you answer those questions you will have an idea of what your goals are. What to work towards: Now you need a plan to get there! What path will you choose?
Work is hard but it is good for you. There is nothing like it.

Nothing is worth while or gives you the incredible feeling of accomplishment and self worth than working towards your goals and reaching them!
What kind of work do you want to do. What do you want to accomplish today?
Each day reach one small goal and you will have a wonderful life.

One needs to be healthy to work hard and one needs to eat right to be healthy.
Stay positive. It is easy to do if you work hard towards your goals. You may not reach every goal immediately, everyday, but everyday you work towards your goal is a day closer to achievement.
If you choose to allow others to do the work for you, taking the easy way. Life just doesn't seem as good.

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